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Wi-microSystem v1.0 (obsolete)

The I-CubeX Wi-microDig enables you to interface sensors wirelessly to your computer. It is designed for obtaining data from sensors for (scientific) measurement and analysis and/or for the control of audiovisual effects and multimedia content. With the I-CubeX, translate sensor signals with high resolution into digitally encoded messages. Then, send these messages to a data analysis/display software or, since the encoding is MIDI, to a variety of devices and/or software programs that perform sound synthesis, graphical animation, video effects, etc.. Voilá  ! Read more below ...

What you get

The I-CubeX Wi-microSystem includes a Wi-microDig analog to digital encoder with wireless Bluetooth transmitter, a 9V cable for easy use with 9V batteries, a microGlobalAdapter, a Turn sensor, a MountingKit and a CDROM. The CDROM contains the configuration editors for MacOS and Windows for stand alone mode operation, Max plugins for host mode operation, the BlueMIDI (Windows/MacOS) application to make your Wi-microDig appear as a MIDI device, as well as manuals and tutorials.

Please note

Please note that to configure the Wi-microDig with the editor, you will need a Bluetooth USB adapter that uses the WIDCOMM or Microsoft stack (Bluesoleil is not supported at this point). Use one of our BatteryPacks (or your own custom battery) for the most freedom of movement. For more inputs and resolution, as well as the ability to control actuators, check out the System. For a wired version with MIDI cable, check out the microSystem. To capture more of the real world check these sensors !

About the Wi-microDig

With the thumb-sized Wi-microDig you can communicate at high speed (115 kbs), because it uses wireless Bluetooth to transmit data instead of a MIDI cable ! The wireless range is guaranteed upto 10 meter without obstructions, but we've already tested it without problems at 50 m ! And, it's easy to make a wireless sensor network, since upto 7 units can be used simultaneously. It can operate in both stand alone mode (sensor data is processed before it is transmitted) as well as host mode (raw sensor data is transmitted, use a computer program to process the sensor data). The beauty of stand alone mode is that it simplifies your I-CubeX setup because you have one less software program to worry about ! Configure the Wi-microDig with the stand alone mode editor and it will remember the settings after power down. If you need raw sensor data or if you need more sensor mapping or analysis complexity, use the Wi-microDig in host mode in combination with a programming or analysis environment to process the sensor data. For hardware hackers, the Wi-microDig features a hardware hacking area to add your own sensor circuit. Don't hesitate to ask us about the Wi-microDig's special features: Its windows COM port compatibility allows the Wi-microDig to provide input to any software that accepts data from a virtual serial port. Also, note the Wi-microDig's I2C capability which is one of the more common bi-directional communications protocols used in robotics for sensors and actuators - connect upto 4 I2C devices to it.

Software support

Stand alone mode is supported with a Windows editor and a MacOS editor. Plug-ins for host mode are available for Max (Windows and MacOS) and jMax (Linux, Unix). Check the download page for the latest releases of I-CubeX software. In either mode of operation, the I-CubeX can be used with any operating system as long as you run software that can handle the I-CubeX system exclusive messages.

Further reading

For further reading on Sunday evening, enjoy the iCube/oCube v2.0x tutorials (Max for MacOS only). The editor manuals are included with the software as HTML files. You can also simply download and install the Windows and/or MacOS editor software to try it out ! For the deepest understanding of the ultimate controller or in case you just want to hack your own I-CubeX editor, check the Wi-microDig firmware v5.0 documentation.

This page was updated on Wednesday 19 October 2016.
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