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Connect runs in the background and can be accessed via the system tray at the bottom right of the screen. When a Wi-microDig is connected via Bluetooth, Connect creates a virtual MIDI port with the name and serial number of that device.

Connect-135 menu no devices with context.png

The Wi-microDig will then appear in the devices list with a green dot next to it to indicate that it is enabled. The blue LED on the Wi-microDig will also turn on to indicate that a Bluetooth connection has been made.

By default, Connect will not attempt to connect to your Wi-microDig when it is launched. If you would like to enable auto-connect, turn it on using the checkbox.

To remove the Wi-microDig from the device list (even when it's not connected and enabled), click on "Remove". You will then need to add it again when you next want to use it.

Connect-135 digitizer view wmd.png