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Cube Culture: i-Rave

by Axel Mulder

The i-Rave was an interactive dance party during Realidade Virtual 99, a conference and show on virtual reality technology and art held at Candido Mendes University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The i-Rave was held on wednesday 9 June 1999 at Bunker, a club in Rio de Janeiro. The installation was shown at regular intervals during the night after midnight. After the opening the installation by a professional dancer, club visitors could try out the installation during the show times. About 800 people attended the party.

A 3x3 ft floor built of TapTile sensors captured the step patterns and weight displacement of a dancer. Two GForce sensors (held in left and right hands) captured hand movements of the dancer. The sensors were interfaced using the I-CubeX System. The sensor data was analyzed and interpreted using Max, a graphical programming language. The step pattern information was used to select a drum/percussion and base loop on Revolve, a groove sequencer. The weight displacement information was used to accentuate the percussion as generated by the groove sequencer. The hand acceleration was used to tweak the base sounds as generated by the groove sequencer. The sensor data was also used to control Houdini, a procedural graphics synthesizer.

The i-Rave event was well-covered in the Brazilian press and TV. Below a clipping of O Globo, one of the largest newspaper magazines in Brazil. See also Aqui (14/0799), a brazilian webzine, for interviews of the exhibitors at the virtual reality show.

Many thanks to the RV 99 team (tudo certinho Daniel, Raquel e Rejane !), Universidade Candido Mendes as well as Sideffects software. Um grande abrao pra Adriana, Andre, Beto (Alberto Levy Macedo) e seus irm‹os, Bola, Eduardo, Maria, Sergio e Ziggy.

Houdini by Sideffects software
I-CubeX, GForce, Taptile by Infusion Systems
Max by Opcode systems
Revolve by Spincycle audio

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