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If you don't know what I-CubeX is, read more about it.

What I-CubeX products do I need ?

If you have questions, eg. about how to apply it in your case, contact us !

Ready to order ? Check the new customer page, or contact us and we'll work out the order with you.

I received my I-CubeX order, now what ?

There are many ways to get going:

1. Run our Connect software to use a WiDig, USB-microDig or Wi-microDig with a computer, and send sensor data to other software or devices via MIDI or OSC, and more.

    MacOS and Windows users
  • Download and install Connect and the required drivers listed on the Connect product page.
  • Read the Connect help pages.

2. Run our EditorX software to see sensor data and configure a digitizer for standalone use, sending MIDI messages, and more.

3. Run our Link software to configure a digitizer for use with a computer, see and calibrate sensor data and send it to other software via MIDI or OSC.

4. Run our SensePlay software to configure a digitizer for use with a computer, see sensor data and use it to play sounds, image sequences and/or videos (without needing other software).

    MacOS and Windows users
  • Download and install SensePlay and the required drivers, which are linked from the digitizer's product page.

5. Run our sensor- or actuator-specific software to see and use sensor data (only available for some products).

    MacOS and Windows users
  • Download and install the software from the product's webpage, where a manual may also be available.
  • Download and install Connect and the required drivers.

6. Run Max or Pd software to control a digitizer and see/use sensor data in software you create.

    MacOS, Windows and Linux Pd users
  • Read the Pd product page.

7. Looking to get started on Linux ?

8. Write your own software using one of the following coding environments.

If you're stuck, we're here to help. If you're in a hurry, get live support.

I'm up and running, what's next ?

We have a lot of expertise available - consult us about your application.

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