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Products: Digitizer v4.1/4.30
Digitizer v4.1/4.30
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The Digitizer is an easily configurable hardware device that encodes upto 32 sensor signals to multimedia industry compatible MIDI messages with high resolution and transmits these messages to a computer in real-time for analysis and/or control purposes. In addition it can output voltages to control actuators.

Sensitive in real-time It has 32 inputs of each 12 bits resolution (4095 steps of each just over 1mV) that can sample at upto 250 Hz with milliseconds latency to capture even the finest gestures and movements. Use it conveniently with our sensors to create your interactive installation, ultimate controller, ..

Configurable It's firmware v4.1 enables it to operate in both stand alone mode (sensor data is processed before it is transmitted) as well as host mode (raw sensor data is transmitted). Stand alone mode includes various sensor processing and mapping features such as gesture recognition that can be conveniently configured using one of our editors. Configure it with the editor and it will remember the settings after power down. If you need more sensor mapping or analysis complexity, use it in host mode in combination with a programming or analysis environment to process the sensor data.

Compatible The Digitizer encodes analog (0-5V) sensor signals to multimedia industry compliant MIDI messages, and transmits them using a physical MIDI interface.

Get it now ! It is sold as part of the System. For a thumb-sized, faster and USB-cabled version (no MIDI interface needed) with actuator outputs, check out the USB-microDig, that, together with the USB-microMIDICable can also send MIDI messages directly to your MIDI gear. For a thumb-sized, faster and wireless version without actuator outputs, check out the WiDig.

Application Information

Product Digitizer

Software Support
Drivers The Digitizer requires a MIDI interface.
EditorX MacOS / Windows
Link MacOS / Windows
Max software iCube and oCube externals
API software MacOS / Windows
More software Find more software on our resources page. I-CubeX can be used with any software on any operating system as long as it can communicate using the I-CubeX system exclusive messages as specified in the firmware documentation.

Quickstart Manuals
Misc Reference and debugger
Firmware Information and reference

Technical specifications

Product Digitizer v4.1/4.30
Version firmware v4.1, hardware v4.30

Sensor input
Number of inputs 32 (power supplies of inputs 25-32 are also outputs)
Range 0 to 5 Volt
Resolution 12 bit or 7 bit (user selectable)
Sampling interval programmable from 4 ms (min) - 16380 ms (max)
in steps of 4 ms (actual sampling rate below)
Sampling rate active inputs (signal processing disabled)
1 1-2 1-4 1-8 1-16 1-24 1-32
stand alone mode control 244 225 154 95 48 32 24 Hz (max)
pitch 240 192 125 74 37 n/a n/a Hz (max)
host mode 7 bit 244 244 244 238 138 93 83 Hz (max)
12 bit 244 244 200 149 82 56 45 Hz (max)
Sampling latency 1.5 ms (min) - 4.0 ms (max)
(one active input without signal processing)
Signal processing
scaling (0.04 Volt min range leaving 5-bit resolution)
threshold detection (0.04 Volt min step)
peak/dip detection (over 16 samples max)
averaging (over 16 samples max)
differentiation (between 2 consecutive samples only)
noise gate (5 Volt max range)
Supply voltage 5 Volt
Supply current 30 mA per sensor (typical for inputs 1-24, max for inputs 25-32)

Actuator output
Number of outputs 8 (power supplies of inputs 25 - 32)
Range 0 to 5 Volt
Resolution 1 bit (off = 0 Volt, on = 5 Volt)
Switching rate 1540 Hz (max)
Switching latency 1.3 ms (min)
Output current 30 mA per actuator (max)

Data format
Standalone mode MIDI channel voice protocol:
MIDI pitch-bend (12 bit resolution, up to 16 inputs)
MIDI note-on/off, key-pressure, control-change, program- change or after-touch (7 bit resolution)
MIDI note-on/off, key-pressure or control-change for actuator output control
See firmware documentation for details
Host mode MIDI system exclusive protocol:
See firmware documentation for details
Transmission MIDI cable, current loop (serial port profile: 31250 kbs, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits)

Sensor / actuator 3 pin row (2.54 mm / 0.1" spaced)
MIDI 5 pin DIN (input, output with software switch-able thru)
Power 7.5 V / 1.1 A, 2.1mm / 5.0mm (inner/outer diameter) coaxial plug with center positive
Dimensions enclosure: 121 x 94 x 34 mm (4.75" x 3.75" x 1.3"), input connector with guide: 26 x 82 x 8 mm (1.0 x 3.2 x 0.3 inch)
Weight 0.180 kg (0.39 lbs.)


There are a number of ways to find out what versions of the hardware and firmware are present in your Digitizer.

Read the Digitizer bottom sticker.

On Digitizers with firmware v4.0 and higher (ie. all recent Digitizers) the version information is printed on the bottom in the form "ab-cd-ef-nnnn", where a.b = firmware version, c.def = hardware version and nnnn = serial number.

There are Digitizers (manufactured in 2005) where the bottom sticker indicates the hardware is v4.01 but in fact it is v4.10 (typo, sorry !). You can recognize them by the fact that the enclosure has a glossy or shiny finish, and double-check it by inspecting the PCB (see below).

There are a few Digitizers with firmware v4.0 that have the number on the sticker printed in the form "ab-00-nnnn", where a.b = firmware version and nnnn = serial number.

Digitizers with firmware upto v3.5 used the form "cd-ghi-nnnn", "cd-ghi-mmyyyy-nnnn" or "cdghi-nnnn", where c.d = hardware version, g.hi = required editor version, mmyyyy = month and year it was manufactured and nnnn = serial number. Note that all editors determined with this method are obsolete.

Inspect the PCB.

Open the Digitizer enclosure by removing the rubber feet and the screws beneath them. Look for text on the edge of the PCB near the EPROM (28-pin socketed chip) that says which version it is.

If it states "v4.1" or "v4.3" then you need to look no further. The Digitizer hardware version is 4.10 or 4.30 respectively.

If it states "v4.0", then there are two hardware sub-versions. Hardware version 4.01 has 2 components and a wire placed on the bottom side of the PCB (the board with all the components), whereas hardware version 4.00 does not have any components on the bottom side of the PCB.

If it states "v3.0", then your Digitizer hardware version is 3.00 and we have no new firmware available for it.

Read the EPROM chip sticker.

Regardless of the information printed on the Digitizer bottom sticker, it is possible that the Digitizer has been updated with a new EPROM chip. This chip stores the firmware. In that case it is possible to find the firmware version by opening the Digitizer (peel off the rubber feet to uncover the screws) and locating the chip with text on it.

For Digitizers with firmware upto v3.5 the text may contain a three-digit number usually followed by a date. The three-digit number is the version number of the required editor.

For Digitizers with firmware upto v3.5 the text may begin with DCC. In that case the two digits following DCC are the version and its decimal.

Use sysex communication.

For Digitizers with firmware upto v3.5 it's possible to find the version number by examining the sysex string that is sent out upon reset or powerup. If there is a number sent immediately after the value 35 and before 247 then that is the firmware version and its decimal. This method is used in editor v1.5 and higher by clicking the About menu (make sure MIDI communication is working though).

Digitizers with firmware v4.0 or v4.1 don't send the version information upon powerup but enable you to send a request for version information (see the MIDI implementation docs for firmware v4.0 and v4.1). With the editor v2.10 and higher it is possible to obtain the version information in this way by clicking on the About menu (you need to have established MIDI communication first though).

Known bugs

We are not aware of any bugs at this time. Please notify us if you think you may have encountered one.

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