"Unable to properly connect to digitizer."

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I-CubeX gear: icubex sensors

"Unable to properly connect to digitizer."

Post by eester »

I ran into an issue with MIDISport Uno when I was trying to test
the Turn sensor using icubex digitizer with icubex editor (version 3.29c).
The message "Unable to properly connect to digitizer." came up,
after clicking on "Test Connection" button on the editor.

NB: I am using MacOS X Leopard and have installed the MIDISport Uno driver.

Following are the steps taken that lead to the issue:
1. Connected Turn sensor to first bit of the inputs (red wire up) on the digitizer.
2. Connected power source to digitizer (power indicator on).
3. Connected MIDISport Uno cable USB connector to Mac Pc USB port.
4. Connected MIDISport Uno "MIDI in" cable to digitizer "MIDI In" port (green light not flashing).
5. Connected MIDISport Uno "MIDI out" cable to digitizer "MIDI Out" port (green light not flashing).
6. Launched editor.
7. The "Device" column displayed a list of interfaces which included:
"USB Uno MIDI Interface USB Uno MIDI Interface" &
"[Custom] USB Uno MIDI Interface USB Uno MIDI Interface"
8. Selected the first option i.e "USB Uno MIDI Interface USB Uno MIDI Interface" (connection checked box activated)
9. Checked "Edit" radio button.
10. Clicked "Test Connection" button - message "Unable to properly connect to digitizer." appeared.

I then selected the second option on the Device list i.e "[Custom] USB Uno MIDI Interface USB Uno MIDI Interface" still gave the same message.

The questions then,
. how should I be connecting the MIDISport Uno to the digitizer?
. Do I need another interface between the digitizer and the MIDISport Uno?

NB: my system spec
. Mac Pro Intel Leopard 10.5.8
. MIDISport Uno driver downloaded and installed (from icubex MIDISport Uno webpage:http://infusionsystems.com/catalog/prod ... ucts_id/55).
. From this site http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support&tab=driver, downloaded MIDISPORT Uno USB
for Mac OS 10.5.8

Find attached snapshot of the message:[attachment=0]Picture 1.png[/attachment]
Picture 1.png
Picture 1.png (29.6 KiB) Viewed 41318 times
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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:22 pm
I-CubeX gear: Digitizer and various sensors.

Re: "Unable to properly connect to digitizer."

Post by jcrystal »

I'm experiencing this EXACT same set of problems. Any update?
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Joined: Tue Dec 31, 2002 7:00 pm

Re: "Unable to properly connect to digitizer."

Post by Tech »

There is now a test version of Link that can configure all 32 inputs as well as 8 outputs of the Digitizer. Please go to http://icubex.com/link.
I-CubeX Technical Support
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