We have a pre-configured Raspbian image that has all the software set up so you can try out the sensor board straight away! If you are adventurous, here are the detailed instructions on how you can set it up from scratch. The pre-configured image can be used in your final project, but we strongly suggest changing the password for security reasons!

Download the image here (unzip and write the .img file onto your SD card)

Some details about the image:

    • Based on Raspbian Jessie (May 2016)
    • I2C and SPI ports enabled
    • SSH enabled
    • Hardware access using wiringPi
    • All example code populated in the ~/dev folder
    • Default raspberry pi login (pi/raspberry)
    • Wifi credentials set up to refer to /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf so you can enter the SSID/password on a Windows/Mac machine for headless WiFi setups. Simply create or modify a file called wpa_supplicant.conf in the /boot partition and it will overwrite the existing wifi credentials stored in the system. There is a template file called /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf.bak that you can copy and modify which contains the following:
         id_str="Home Wifi"

Note that if you forget to modify wpa_supplicant.conf, it will still be moved from /boot so to make a new one, you can copy the backup template file to change the configuration. If you have local or ethernet access to the pi, you could also just modify /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf  directly on the pi itself.

Download and Install

  1. Download the archive, and unzip the .img file
  2. See the official instructions on how to copy the image onto your SD card
  3. If using headless wifi, update /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf file (see above) on the SD card on another computer before you put it into the Pi
  4. Insert the card into the SD slot of your Pi, and off you go!
  5. The default size of the image is about 6 gigabytes. If you want to fill up your SD card, you can do so by the “Expand Filesystem” option in the raspi-config.