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<u>Digitizer or microDig</u>

Revision as of 13:06, 30 November 2016

The Setup section configures EditorX to establish a connection with a digitizer.


The Digitizer pull-down menu lists the MIDI ports that are available for communication with the digitizer. The Refresh button allows for EditorX to update the list of available MIDI ports. The ports are either of a physical MIDI interface (which is connected to a digitizer) that is plugged into a computer port (often a USB port), or the ports are virtual, ie. created by the Connect software to represent a USB-microDig, Wi-microDig or Wi-miniDig as a MIDI device on the computer. In the latter case the virtual MIDI ports are named as per the digitizer type (USB-microDig or Wi-microDig) followed by its serial number.

For EditorX to attempt a connection with a digitizer, select one of the entries of the Digitizer pull-down menu. If no attempt has been made to establish a connection with a digitizer, the pull-down menu will be coloured grey. Once a connection with a digitizer has been established, the pull-down menu will turn green, and the product information (found on the bottom of the digitizer) will be shown next to the text "Label". If EditorX can't establish a connection via the selected port(s) with the digitizer, the pull-down menu will turn red.

If EditorX has listed a MIDI port in the Digitizer pull-down menu, and if subsequently the corresponding digitizer or MIDI interface is physically disconnected from the computer or the Bluetooth connection is lost so that the MIDI port is disabled, EditorX will still list the MIDI port but no connection with the corresponding digitizer can be established anymore (the Digitizer pull-down menu will turn red), even if the digitizer is re-connected and if the corresponding MIDI port is re-created by Connect or if the MIDI interface ports are re-enabled. EditorX needs to be restarted so that it can re-list all the enabled MIDI ports.

Usb-microdig grey-menu.png Usb-microdig green-menu.png Usb-microdig red-menu.png

Virtual MIDI ports created by Connect are listed in a single pull-down menu. MIDI ports of a physical MIDI interface are shown in two pull-down menus, one for the MIDI input and one for the MIDI output. The menu for output ports appears once the input port of a physical MIDI interface is selected. Both ports need to be selected in order for EditorX to attempt a connection with the digitizer.

Midisport2x2 green-menu.png

The label information will be coloured black if the digitizer is deemed to be compatible with the EditorX version, based on the product information. It will be coloured red if it is deemed incompatible.

Usb-microdig compatible.png Usb-microdig incompatible.png


In MacOS, on startup of EditorX, Connect is automatically started, and if Connect finds a USB-microDig or has been set to create a virtual MIDI port for a Wi-microDig or Wi-miniDig, the corresponding virtual MIDI ports will be shown by EditorX in the Digitizer pull-down menu.

In Windows, before starting EditorX, the user has to start Connect manually, and allow time for Connect to create the virtual MIDI ports. EditorX will then show these virtual MIDI ports in the Digitizer pull-down menu. Also, note that for Connect to run the LoopMIDI virtual MIDI port driver must have been installed.


Digitizer or microDig

1 - Connect the MIDI In port of the Digitizer with the MIDI Out of the MIDI interface.
2 - Connect the MIDI Out port of the Digitizer with the MIDI In of the MIDI interface.
3 - Connect the MIDI interface to the computer.
4 - (Re-)connect the power supply to the Digitizer while looking at the green MIDI Out LED.
> 4.1 Is the Digitizer's red LED on ?
>> 4.1.1 If the answer to question 4.1 is No, and you have checked the (connections to the) power supply for the Digitizer, please contact us for further help.
> 4.2 Did the green MIDI Out LED blink at least once ?
>> 4.2.1 If the answer to question 4.2 is No, please contact us for further help.
5 - (Re-)start EditorX.
6 - Select the name of the MIDI interface port from the Port menu in the Digitizer section ("Port" will change into "In" and a second menu next to "Out" will appear below it).
7 - Watch the LEDs on the Digitizer while you select the name of the MIDI interface from the Out menu in the Digitizer section.
7.1 Upon selecting the Out port of the Digitizer in EditorX, did you see both yellow and green LEDs flash on the Digitizer ?
>> 7.1.1 If the answer to question 7.1 is No, did you see only the yellow LED (MIDI In) flash on the Digitizer ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.1 is No, please confirm that the MIDI cables are fully plugged into the Digitizer, that the MIDI interface is working correctly by using it with another MIDI-capable software and return to 1.
>> 7.1.2 If the answer to question 7.1 is Yes, are the In and Out menus in the Digitizer section of EditorX coloured green ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.2 is No, please confirm that the MIDI cables are fully plugged into the Digitizer and start a MIDI monitoring program such as MIDI Monitor for (MacOS or [MIDI Ox for Windows, go back to 1 and email us the MIDI message log for steps 5 - 6.


1 - (skip)
2 - (skip)
3 - (Re-)start Connect.
4 - (Re-)connect the digitizer to the computer while looking at the yellow MIDI Out LED.
> 4.1 Is the digitizer's red LED on ?
>> 4.1.1 If the answer to question 4.1 is No, and you have confirmed that the USB port of the computer is functioning correctly, please contact us for further help.
> 4.2 Did the yellow MIDI Out LED blink at least once ?
>> 4.2.1 If the answer to question 4.2 is No, please contact us for further help.
> 4.3 Does the digitizer's name appear in bold type in Connect's list of devices  ?
> 4.3.1 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, does the digitizer's name appear in regular type in Connect's list of devices  ?
>> If the answer to question 4.3.1 is Yes, confirm that the digitizer is enabled in Connect and go back to 4.3.
> 4.3.2 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, does the digitizer's name without serial number appear in regular type in Connect's list of devices  ?
>>> If the answer to question 4.3.2 is Yes, confirm that no other copy of Connect is running, nor that any other program is connected to the digitizer and go back to 1.
>>> If the answer to question 4.3.2 is No, please check that the VCP (Virtual Com Port) driver is installed and go back to 1.
> 4.3 Does the digitizer's name appear in Connect's list of devices  ?
>>> 4.3.1 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, please check that the VCP (Virtual Com Port) driver is installed and go back to 1.
5 - (Re-)start EditorX.
6 -(skip)
7 - Watch the LEDs on the digitizer while you select the digitizer from the Port menu in the Digitizer section.
> 7.1 Upon selecting the Out port of the digitizer in EditorX, did you see both yellow and green LEDs flash on the digitizer ?
>> 7.1.1 If the answer to question 7.1 is No, did you see only the yellow LED (MIDI In) flash on the digitizer ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.1 is No, contact us for further help.
>> 7.1.2 If the answer to question 7.1 is Yes, are the In and Out menus in the Digitizer section of EditorX coloured green ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.2 is No, start a MIDI monitoring program such as MIDI Monitor for (MacOS or [MIDI Ox for Windows, go back to 1 and email us the MIDI message log for steps 5 - 6.


1 - Connect the Bluetooth adapter to the computer.
2 - (skip)
3 - (Re-)start Connect.
4 - (Re-)connect the digitizer to the battery while looking at the MIDI Out and In LEDs.
> 4.1 Is the digitizer's red LED on ?
>> 4.1.1 If the answer to question 4.1 is No, and you have confirmed that the battery is fully charged, please contact us for further help.
> 4.2 Did the MIDI Out or In LED blink at least once ?
>> 4.2.1 If the answer to question 4.2 is No, please contact us for further help.
> 4.3 Does the digitizer's name appear in bold type in Connect's list of devices  ?
> 4.3.1 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, does the digitizer's name appear in regular type in Connect's list of devices  ?
>> If the answer to question 4.3.1 is Yes, confirm that the digitizer is enabled in Connect and go back to 4.3.
> 4.3.2 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, does the digitizer's name without serial number appear in regular type in Connect's list of devices  ?
>>> If the answer to question 4.3.2 is Yes, confirm that no other copy of Connect is running, nor that any other program is connected to the digitizer and go back to 1.
>>> If the answer to question 4.3.2 is No, please confirm that the digitizer is added to the list of devices by clicking "Add Wi-microDig".
> 4.3 Does the digitizer's name appear in Connect's list of devices  ?
>>> 4.3.1 If the answer to question 4.3 is No, please confirm that the digitizer is added to the list of devices by clicking "Add Wi-microDig".
5 - (Re-)start EditorX.
6 -(skip)
7 - Watch the LEDs on the digitizer while you select the digitizer from the Port menu in the Digitizer section.
> 7.1 Upon selecting the Out port of the digitizer in EditorX, did you see both yellow and green LEDs flash on the digitizer ?
>> 7.1.1 If the answer to question 7.1 is No, did you see only the yellow LED (MIDI In) flash on the digitizer ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.1 is No, contact us for further help.
>> 7.1.2 If the answer to question 7.1 is Yes, are the In and Out menus in the Digitizer section of EditorX coloured green ?
>>> If the answer to question 7.1.2 is No, start a MIDI monitoring program such as MIDI Monitor for (MacOS or [MIDI Ox for Windows, go back to 1 and email us the MIDI message log for steps 5 - 6.