Firmware-811 Command-107

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Revision as of 18:04, 6 February 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Copied from Firmware-810 Command-107, revision 4332)
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DUMP CONFIG (107, 6Bh)

The DUMP CONFIG command is used to obtain the current settings of the WiDig. Upon completion of the command the WiDig sends out the DUMP CONFIG message with 9-byte BODY.

The WiDig will send out the configuration of a WiDig sensor input when using the DUMP CONFIG command with the following [BODY]:

00000001: 1; configuration number
00bbbaaa: aaa = [0..7]; sensor input number
bbb = [0..7]; virtual input number

The Digitizer will send out the configuration of each WiDig binary output as well as the sample interval value when using the DUMP CONFIG command with a special value for the 2nd data byte in the [BODY]:

00000001: 1; configuration number
01111111: 127; actuator outputs flag