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Revision as of 14:03, 12 August 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Known Issues)
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WiConnect manages the USB, BLE-MIDI or WiFi-OSC/WS communications of the WiDig. It runs on the WiDig together with its other firmware.

Use Connect (v1.6.4 for MacOS or higher, v1.54 for Windows or higher) to find out which version of WiConnect is running on the WiDig. Click on the text "Firmware" (not the firmware number) in the upper left corner of Connect to switch to displaying the WiConnect version information. Click again, now on the text "WiConnect", to switch back to the firmware information.

WiConnect can be uploaded using ESPFlasherGUI for MacOS or Windows. To upload a WiConnect version, ONLY make two selections in ESPFlasherGUI. Downloaded one of the WiConnect .bin files listed below, select it as the firmware file and select the serial port (contains the text "SLAB" on MacOS and "COM" on Windows) from the pull-down menu to the right of the menu showing "926100" (ie. the baud rate). Then make sure no other software such as Connect is using the serial port and finally click "Flash Firmware".

ESPFlasherGUI macos.jpg ESPFlasherGUI windows.jpg

WiConnect can also be uploaded using DoayeeESP32DFU for MacOS or Windows. To upload one of WiConnect versions listed below, download it, select the serial port (contains the text "SLAB" on MacOS and "COM" on Windows) from the pull-down menu, set the baud rate to 926100 and select the firmware file in the "Flash App .." row. Then make sure no other software such as Connect is using the serial port and finally click "Flash". Do not click the "Erase ESP" button.

DoayeeESP32DFU macos.png



Known Issues

  • WiConnect 1.919: it is not recommended to use a sampling interval smaller than 10 ms as it might not be possible to communicate with the WiDig, requiring clearing the configuration or even re-uploading the firmware and WiConnect.
  • ESPFlasherGUI does not run on Sierra. On Catalina it greys out buttons after uploading - restart if more uploads are needed.