Firmware-811 Command-020

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TABLE ENTRY (20, 14h)

The TABLE ENTRY command stores a lookup table entry in non-volatile memory. The command can be used in both host and stand-alone modes of operation. Upon completion of the TABLE ENTRY command the WiDig sends out the same message. This command is not available for digitizers with hardware v7.0 or lower.

The [BODY] of the TABLE ENTRY command:

000nnnnn: nnnnn = [0..31]; table number
00000ddd: ddd = [0..7]; table entry index MSB
0ddddddd: ddddddd = [0..127]; table entry index LSB
00000eee: eee = [0..7]; table entry value MSB
0eeeeeee: eeeeeee = [0..127]; table entry value LSB


To store value 312 as entry 256 in table 8, ie. to convert sensor value 256 into 312, send the following message:

240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 21 {TABLE ENTRY}, 8 {table number}, 2 {entry index MSB}, 0 {entry index LSB}, 2 {entry value MSB}, 56 {entry value LSB}, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 15h, 08h, 02h, 00h, 02h, 38h, F7h)