Firmware-72 Message-037

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STATUS (37, 25h)

The STATUS message indicates an error in the system. The [BODY] of the STATUS message indicates the type of problem encountered.

The [BODY] of the reset message:

0xxxxxxx: xxxxxxx = 90 (5Ah); configuration setting error
xxxxxxx = 92 (5Ch); MIDI protocol error / Invalid Command (invalid command number, bad number of arguments or invalid arguments in command)
xxxxxxx = 94 (5Eh); MDI byte has been scrambled
xxxxxxx = 95 (5Fh); receive buffer is full, data may be lost (too much MIDI data is being sent to the USB-microDig too quickly)


240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 37 {STATUS}, 95 {DATA}, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 25h, 5Fh, F7h) This message indicates that too much MIDI data is being sent to the USB-microDig too quickly.