WiDig-800 QuickStart WidiBud

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The WIDI Bud adapter is a BLE MIDI to USB MIDI adapter that provides BLE MIDI connectivity to any system that supports USB MIDI.

It normally will automatically pair when there is a BLE MIDI device in its vicinity, but when needed (such as when running multiple BLE MIDI devices, for example), the WIDI Plus application can be used to manually connect to a BLE device (OSX and Windows versions).

To manually connect/disconnect BLE MIDI devices, open the WIDI Plus application, click on the "Bluetooth tab" on the top, and then select the device you want to connect or disconnect:

Widi plus connect.png

The red LED of the WIDI Bud flashes slowly (~1 sec) when disconnected, and pulses at a faster rate when connected.

A standard MIDI port is created by the WIDI Bud and can be used by EditorX and other MIDI applications for configuring and obtaining data from the WiDig.