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Events: ISEA 2015
During ISEA 2015 in Vancouver, Canada, we will do a one-day tutorial about the integration of I-CubeX sensors with popular creative coding platforms such as openFrameworks, as well as the integration with the Movement+Meaning (M+M) middleware.

What is this about ?

As identified by years of experience supplying sensor technology to the public, there are still technical challenges facing users attempting to integrate sensors and sensor data for digital interactive media applications. Recently, Infusion has been developing software interfaces to support a wider range of creative coding platforms to reduce the overhead of sensor integration. This tutorial is a great opportunity to showcase the features provided by these platforms and provide users with hands on experience with sensor integration.

Who should come ?

The tutorial is aimed at beginners but more experienced participants will have plenty to explore. Familiarity with basic aspects of interactive media will be helpful, however there are no specific technical prerequisites. The intended audience consists of those who are interested in starting projects relating to interactive media technology. Those with a general interest are also welcome. If you work in one of the following fields or research one of the following topics, and/or have a specific interest in interactive media, we strongly suggest you to visit.

Do I need to bring anything ?

See below under "Materials". Please bring your own computer and if you wish your own digital devices, whatever output they may generate. Familiarity with openFrameworks software comes in handy, but no knowledge of sensors or sensor interfacing is assumed, while it will not be necessary for participants to hack hardware or solder electronic components.


The tutorial will be held in Studio T Room 2240, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Simon Fraser University, 149 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5K3, Canada.


The tutorial will be held on 15 August 2015. See also the ISEA course information for more details.

Opening presentation (9:30 am - 10:00 am): Introduction of the I-CubeX product line.

1st session (10:00 am - 1:00 pm): Integration of I-CubeX with openFrameworks as well as M+M.

2nd session (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm): Creative coding with the tools and techniques learnt earlier to build a small interactive application, followed by a showcase of the results.

Closing presentation (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm): Soon-to-be-released I-CubeX products and new features.


The following is needed for the workshop:

Depending on the number of participants, the following I-CubeX equipment will be available:

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