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What is Standalone mode ? How many I-CubeX Digitizers can I daisy-chain ? Help, there's MIDI lights blinking but I can't get it working !! ...... for all these questions there must be an answer - here's a bunch of resources to browse and ponder. Or just consult us directly.

General info

  • Get started with I-CubeX
  • I-CubeX basics
  • I-CubeX demos
  • I-CubeX software
  • Links to other products to use in conjunction with I-CubeX
  • For some inspiration for your new project, try Cube Culture
  • Get in touch with fellow I-CubeX users in the user forums
  • Digitizers

  • WiDig info, reference and firmware
  • USB-microDig info, reference, firmware for hardware 7.5 and firmware for hardware 7.1
  • Wi-microDig info, reference and firmware
  • microDig info and firmware
  • Digitizer info and firmware reference and installation
  • Digitizer software

  • Connect (MacOS / Windows) and help
  • EditorX (MacOS / Windows) info and help
  • Link (MacOS / Windows) info and help
  • SensePlay (MacOS / Windows) info and help
  • Sensor software and manuals

  • SensorX (MacOS / Windows)
  • Air2D (MacOS / Windows)
  • BioBeat3D (MacOS / Windows)
  • BioBeat (MacOS / Windows)
  • BioEmo (MacOS / Windows)
  • BioVolt (MacOS / Windows)
  • GForce3D-6 (MacOS / Windows)
  • HotSpot2D (MacOS / Windows)
  • Light2D (MacOS / Windows)
  • Moist3D (MacOS / Windows)
  • MoveAlong (MacOS / Windows) and manual
  • MoveAround (MacOS / Windows)
  • MuscleTrainer (MacOS / Windows)
  • Orient3D (MacOS / Windows) and manual
  • Orient4D (MacOS / Windows)
  • Reach manual
  • ReachCloseD (MacOS / Windows)
  • ReachFarD (MacOS / Windows)
  • TouchGloves (MacOS/Windows) and manual
  • Actuator software

  • PitchColor (MacOS / Windows)
  • 3rd-party software

  • Use I-CubeX with Unity
  • Use I-CubeX with Touchdesigner
  • Use I-CubeX with Max
  • Use I-CubeX with Matlab
  • How-To on I-CubeX & Director
  • How-To on I-CubeX & Flash
  • How-To on I-CubeX & Live
  • How-To on I-CubeX & Reason
  • How-To on I-CubeX & Tassman
  • ABM with I-CubeX and Observer
  • Automatically add markers in Observer with I-CubeX
  • Record and add sensor data in Observer with I-CubeX
  • API and plugin software

  • iCubino Arduino sketch
  • Max plugins and externals (MacOS / Windows)
  • ofxICubeX OpenFrameworks addon (multi-platform)
  • Processing interface (multi-platform)
  • Python examples (multi-platform)
  • Touchdesigner node (MacOS / Windows)
  • More

  • Use I-CubeX on Linux
  • Upgrading an I2C plug
  • Downgrading an I2C plug
  • Misc

  • Info about all obsolete products
  • Obsolete software
  • Product Search

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