Upload new firmware to your WiDig, USB-microDig or Wi-microDig, and configure the new features with EditorX.
Firmware can be uploaded most conveniently with Connect for MacOS.
Upgrading your firmware is fully guaranteed. If after performing the upgrade your digitizer still has the same firmware version (ie. it wasn't upgraded) or became unresponsive, send us the digitizer as per the return instructions. We will upgrade the unit and send it back to you for free !
04 Jan 2024: FirmwareX v8.30 for MacOS or Windows. Uploads firmware v8.308 to a WiDig. Use in conjunction with WiConnect v1.205 (or higher but lower than v1.900) or v2.014 or higher.
27 Jul 2020: FirmwareX v8.12 for MacOS or Windows. Uploads firmware v8.12 to a WiDig. Use in conjunction with WiConnect v1.104 or v1.919.
04 Jan 2024: FirmwareX v8.30 for MacOS or Windows. Uploads firmware v7.808 to a USB-microDig with hardware v7.5.
14 Aug 2020: FirmwareX v7.41 for MacOS or Windows. Uploads firmware v7.41 to a USB-microDig with hardware v7.2 or v7.1.
27 Jul 2020: FirmwareX v6.41 for MacOS or Windows. Uploads firmware v6.41 to a Wi-microDig with hardware v6.x. After uploading the Bluetooth PIN or passcode will be "0000". Due to this PIN change it will be necessary to delete the current Bluetooth device entry, re-add it as a Bluetooth device and re-pair it and then re-start Connect, remove the entry in Connect for the Wi-microDig and finally re-add it to Connect.
Please note that the posted zip file of a released version may be replaced by a newer file without notice, ie. without the newer file being tagged as a new version. If you encounter any issues with the software, please check back here to see if a newer file (ie. same version but dated more recently) than the one you are using is available.
Check the download archive page for older releases. Not the right solution ? We have more software.
System requirements
- MacOS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or newer on Intel or M1 or newer, or Windows 7 or newer.
- A digitizer with firmware v5.4 or higher, including applicable drivers.
Installation and user manuals, tutorials and tips
For correct operation, please make sure your digitizer's identifying numbers are correctly stored in the digitizer. Connect (v1.5 or higher) will advise you if the numbers are incorrect, and allow you to update them. You can also use ResetDig to restore these numbers as per the label on the bottom of the digitizer (except for the firmware numbers if the firmware was updated).
Before upgrading with FirmwareX, disconnect other WiDigs, USB-microDigs and Wi-microDigs and close all other I-CubeX software, including Connect, as well as any other software that may use your serial ports.
On Windows, disconnected Bluetooth serial ports will result in delayed software performance. Please remove any disconnected Bluetooth serial ports.
- Throughout the upgrade process for a WiDig use the same USB port to connect the WiDig to the computer.
- On MacOS the serial port to use will be named "SLAB_USBtoUART ... ", on Windows it will be named "COM3" or similar.
- The WiDig also runs WiConnect firmware, which may also need to be updated after running FirmwareX or upgrading the firmware with Connect.
- Use EditorX v8.3x to access and configure the features enabled by firmware v8.3x.
- It is not possible to downgrade from v8.x to v7.5 (or lower) because firmware v8.x requires a digitizer with hardware v8.0, which cannot run firmware v7.5 or lower.
- Throughout the upgrade process for a USB-microDig use the same USB port to connect the USB-microDig to the computer.
- On MacOS the serial port to use will be named "SLAB_USBtoUART ... ", on Windows it will be named "COM3" or similar.
- Use EditorX v8.3x to access and configure the features enabled by firmware v7.8x and EditorX v8.1x for firmware v7.4x.
- It is not possible to upgrade from firmware v7.6 (or lower) to v8.x because firmware v8.x requires a digitizer with hardware v8.0.
- It is not possible to upgrade from firmware v7.4 (or lower) to v7.5 (or higher) or downgrade from v7.5 (or higher) to v7.4 (or lower) because firmware v7.5 (or higher) requires a digitizer with hardware v7.5 or v8.0, which cannot run firmware v7.4 or lower.
- On MacOS the serial port to use will be named "I-CubeX Wi-microDig ... ", on Windows it will be named "COM3" or similar.
- The firmware programming button is located next to the LEDs, below the plastic cover and requires a bit of effort to press down through the plastic cover using eg. your finger nail. This button needs to be pressed down while powering the Wi-microDig after it has been set into firmware programming mode by FirmwareX or Connect. Click on the image to enlarge it.

- Use EditorX v8.1x to access and configure the features enabled by firmware v6.4x.
Recently added:
Known issues
Please notify us if you encounter a bug or issue.
- If your digitizer's identifying numbers are incorrectly stored in the digitizer, the software may show unexpected behaviour. The label numbers are shown on the bottom of the digitizer. Use ResetDig to restore these numbers as per the label (except for the firmware number if it was updated).
- FirmwareX v6.x may not succeed in connecting to a Wi-microDig on MacOS 10.12 or higher. Please use the "check firmware" button of Connect (v1.5 or higher) instead, or run FirmwareX on a computer with MacOS 10.7 - 10.11 or a computer with Windows 7 or higher.
- USB-microDigs with hardware v7.0 can't be updated with Connect v1.5.0 - use FirmwareX instead.
- Some USB-microDigs with firmware v7.0 can't be upgraded with FirmwareX because their flash memory was locked during manufacturing, but we can upgrade them for you at our office for free. Contact us about it.