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SeeRGB v1.1 $41.66US
2 - 6 : $39.58US ( save 5% )
7 - 19 : $37.49US ( save 10% )
20 + : $33.33US ( save 20% )
excl. sales tax

A multi-color LED which provides visual feedback in red, green, blue and all combinations thereof. A digital I2C actuator, that is highly configurable.

Fitted with a 1x4 plug for use with a USB-microDig running firmware v7.3 or higher but includes an extra 1x4 housing to modify the plug for use with a Wi-microDig running firmware v6.3 or a USB-microDig running v7.2. There's also the AdaptCableDto2D and the AdaptCableKit.

Application examples

  1. Use it to visualize the pitch of a sound (eg. when singing) using our PitchColor application (see below).
  2. It's pretty neat as a high-tech Christmas tree decoration.
  3. Use it to indicate the status of your gear.

Technical specifications

Product SeeRGB actuator
Version 1.1 (February 2021)
Actuator type RGB LED indicator
Power supply 3.5 to 5 V DC, 1.5 to 60 mA (max) at 5 V
Actuator dimensions 16 x 16 x 10 mm (0.63 x 0.63 x 0.39 inch)
Weight 11 g (0.39 oz), incl. cable
Cable 1.0 m (39 inch), shielded, red wire = power, black wire = ground, grey wire = I2C data (SDA), white wire = I2C clock (SCL), extension tested upto 5.0 m (16 ft) with ExtendCableD-01 and upto 20 m (66 ft) with ExtendCableD-10
Connector male 1x4 plug with 4 pins in a row spaced 2.54 mm (0.100 inch)
Software support
  • Our EditorX software allows you to configure the digitizer to control multiple actuators simultaneously.

  • 23 Jul 2019: PitchColor v1.10 for MacOS and Windows from source code in Max. For multiple actuators, run multiple instances of the application, each started in its own folder. Use together with Connect (MacOS / Windows). The PitchColor app includes a widget to control the color of the SeeRGB manually or via MIDI.
  • 19 Jan 2018: PitchColor v1.01 for MacOS and Windows from source code in Max. For multiple actuators, run multiple instances of the application, each started in its own folder. Use together with Connect (MacOS / Windows). The PitchColor app includes a widget to control the color of the SeeRGB manually or via MIDI.
  • 03 Nov 2017: PitchColor v1.00 for MacOS (Sierra or lower) and Windows from source code in Max. For multiple actuators, run multiple instances of the application, each started in its own folder. Use together with Connect (MacOS / Windows). The PitchColor app includes a widget to control the color of the SeeRGB manually or via MIDI.
Application notes
  1. Make sure the sensor is plugged into the digitizer with the red wire connected to power. Reversing the plug may cause damage to the sensor.
  2. Requires a digitizer with digital (I2C) ports, eg. the USB-microDig or the Wi-microDig.
  3. The default I2C address is 9 (0x09). Both I2C lines have 10 kOhm pull-up resistors.
  4. Our software enables you to use most features. For more technical specs, and to find out how to control the actuator in detail, please consult this datasheet.
  5. Since the maximum current draw is 60 mA, use at most 4 SeeRGB on a USB-microDig or Wi-microDig, since these digitizers can supply at most approx. 240 mA.
  6. To extend the cable, use ExtendCableD-01.

This page was updated on Saturday 23 July 2022.
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