Link-14 QuickStart

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Here's how to connect the USB-microDig or Wi-microDig and get sensor data into your computer using Link.


What you need

For this walkthrough, you will need:

Connecting to the USB-microDig

Usbmd connect.jpg
  1. Connect the Turn sensor (or any other sensor) to input #1 of the USB-microDig as shown above, with the red wire on top and the black wire on the bottom.
  2. Start Connect. The USB-microDig entry with matching serial number should be listed in bold. If you don't see the USB-microDig listed, verify that the driver has been installed.
  3. Launch Link.
  4. In the Digitizer section at the top, choose the USB-microDig which serial number matches. Upon connecting, the port menu will turn green.


What you need

For this walkthrough, you will need:

  • A Wi-microDig.
  • Bluetooth adapter (likely built in to your computer if it's a Mac).
  • A Turn (or other) sensor for testing.
  • Link software.
  • Connect software (included in the Link software package).

Adding the Wi-microDig as a Bluetooth device

In both Windows and Mac OS X, you'll first need to add the Wi-microDig as a virtual serial (or COM) port. The instructions here explain how to do this. Once this is done, you can continue to the next section.

Connecting to the Wi-microDig

Wmd connect.jpg
  1. Connect the Turn sensor (or any other sensor) to input #1 of the Wi-microDig, as shown above, with the red wire on top and the black wire on the bottom.
  2. Start Connect.
  3. Enable the Wi-microDig with matching serial number. Once enabled, the blue LED on the Wi-microDig will illuminate and the Wi-microDig entry will be listed in bold. If you don't see the Wi-microDig listed, make sure it was added as a Bluetooth device to the operating system and added in Connect.
  4. Launch Link.
  5. In the Digitizer section at the top, choose the Wi-microDig with matching serial number from the pulldown menu. Upon connecting, the port menu will turn green. If Link doesn't connect to the Wi-microDig, check that your Bluetooth is turned on. Link will not warn you if it is turned off, it will just not connect.