Connect-163 MIDI Output

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Connect can map the data it receives from the serial port to a MIDI port.

Connect-150 digitizer view umd midi output.png

This applies for any serial device, but for the MIDI output to be useful for MIDI devices, the serial data has to adhere to the MIDI protocol. If it is also compatible with the I-CubeX communication protocol which makes use of the MIDI dataformat, the device can be used with I-CubeX software such as EditorX, Link or SensePlay. An example is the "iCubino", ie. an Arduino that is made I-CubeX compatible by uploading the iCubino sketch to it so that it can be used with Link.

I-CubeX devices communicate using MIDI messages, and output sensor data as MIDI messages. Their MIDI output in standalone mode can be fully configured using EditorX. The mini editor in the digitizer view window provides basic configuration options. It allows you to enable and disable a sensor or actuator, and select the sensor or actuator, and, if it is a digital sensor or actuator, its method.

A digitizer in standalone mode outputs sensor data as Standard MIDI messages. In host mode sensor data is output as System Exclusive messages. The configuration protocol makes use of MIDI System Exclusive messages.

In the event you don't want any of the System Exclusive messages to be output so as to avoid them reaching a MIDI (software) device, in the digitizer view window uncheck "Sysex". Doing so will disable the ability to change the configuration of the connected digitizer.