Firmware-72 Command-094

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This command enables / disables MIDI running status.

When this is enabled the USB-microDig will always send the MIDI status byte each time it sends a MIDI message. For example, if the running status feature of the USB-microDig is ON then the output MIDI message from the USB-microDig for two MIDI note-on command (9xh where x is a number from 0 to 15 representing the MIDI channel number between 1 and 16) on MIDI channel 1 will be “90h n1 v1 90h n2 v2”. Where 90h is the running status byte for a note -on on channel 1, n1 & n2 are the note number values between 0 to 127 (for MIDI note-on 1 and 2) and v1 & v2 are the velocity values between 0 and 127 for MIDI note-on 1 and 2.

When the MIDI running status feature is disabled the USB-microDig will only send a running status byte when it is different from the last one that was sent. For example the running status for two notes would be: “90h n1 v1 n2 v2”.

This feature is useful when the data stream is large. It removes unwanted repetition of the current status so that this can slightly reduce the latency and the amount of MIDI data flow.

The [BODY] of the MIDI RUNNING STATUS command is:

0xxxxxxx: xxxxxxx = 0; MIDI running status enabled (channel voice MIDI messages only include a MIDI status byte when it changes)
xxxxxxx = [1..127]; MIDI running status disabled (each channel voice MIDI message includes a MIDI status byte)