Firmware-72 Message-123

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I2C NO RESPONSE (123, 7Bh)

The I2C NO RESPONSE message indicates that the I2C device was unresponsive, ie. there was no acknowledgement from the device within 100 ms, eg. caused by a wrong address or the device not being present. If the USB-microDig is configured to stream data from a digital (I2C) sensor, ie. a response is repeatedly requested from the I2C sensor, this message is only sent once for the port and would only be sent again if the unresponsiveness re-occurred after the port was turned off and on again with the STREAM command or after a response was obtained.

The I2C NO RESPONSE message [BODY] is:

00000xxx: xxx = [0..6]; I2C port number
0aaaaaaa: aaaaaa = [0..127]; I2C address of device


240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 123 {I2C NO RESPONSE}, 04 {port number}, 96 {address of device}, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 7Fh, 04h, 60h, F7h)

This message indicates that device 96 on port 4 (inputs 5-6) was unresponsive.