Firmware-73 Command-050

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SET MUTE (50, 32h)

The SET MUTE command stops the sampling of all sensor inputs. It can be used in both modes of operation (stand-alone, host). After completion of the SET MUTE command, the USB-microDig does not send out any MIDI messages representing sensor values. After completion of a RESET command, a CLEAR CONFIG command or a SET MODE command the USB-microDig is un-muted by default. The USB-microDig does not send out any messages upon completion of this command.

The [BODY] of the MUTE command:

0xxxxxxx: xxxxxxx = 0; all sensor inputs un-muted
xxxxxxx = [1..127]; all sensor inputs muted


240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 50 {SET MUTE}, 1, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 32h, 01h, F7h)