Firmware-820 Command-032

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SET SOLO (32, 20h)

The SET SOLO command stops the processing of all sensor inputs except one so that the user can easily utilise the MIDI learn capability of a MIDI device. It is only effective in stand-alone mode. After completion of the SET SOLO command, the WiDig does not send out any MIDI messages representing sensor values except for one input. If the sensor input is configured for a digital sensor, the SET SOLO command can be applied for any of its virtual inputs. After completion of a RESET command, a CLEAR CONFIG command or a SET MODE command all active sensors are processed by default. The WiDig sends out the same message upon completion of this command.

The [BODY] of the SET SOLO command:

0zyyyxxx: xxx = [0..7]; sensor input number
yyy = [0..7]; virtual input number
z = 0: disable solo
z = 1: enable solo for the sensor input only


To only process and output the values of sensor input 0, send the following message:

240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 32 {SET SOLO}, 64, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 20h, 40h, F7h)