Firmware-820 Function-120

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HOTSPOT2D (120, 78h)

The HOTSPOT2D function enables output of the HotSpot2D sensor data in both host and stand-alone mode. In host mode the sensor data is output in I2C DATA messages. In stand-alone mode the sensor data is output according to the stand-alone mode settings of the input number that equals the I2C port number. The following methods can be selected using the FUNCTION command’s method/parameter FP:

HotSpot2D v1.0

FP Data output in host mode Data output in stand-alone mode
0..125 No output Temperature Differential [0..127] or [0..16383]; an unsigned 7-bit or 14-bit value, representing [0..163.84/(FP+1)] degrees Celsius, sent as one or two bytes (LSB, MSB)
126 Ambient Temperature [11748..19908]; an unsigned 16-bit value, representing [-38.2..125] degrees Celsius, sent as nibbles in four bytes (MSB .. LSB), followed by an error code sent as nibbles in two bytes (MSB, LSB) Ambient Temperature [12..38] or [1591..4875]; an unsigned 7-bit or 14-bit value, representing [-38.20..125.0] degrees Celsius, sent as one or two bytes (LSB, MSB)
127 Object Temperature [10157..32767]; an unsigned 16-bit value, representing [-70..382.19] degrees Celsius, sent as nibbles in four bytes (MSB .. LSB), followed by an error code sent as nibbles in two bytes (MSB, LSB) Object Temperature [0..127] or [0..16383]; an unsigned 7-bit or 14-bit value, representing [-70.00..257.66] degrees Celsius, sent as one or two bytes (LSB, MSB)


In order to enable the HOTSPOT2D function to get the temperature differential from a HotSpot2D sensor with I2C device address 90 (default HotSpot2D I2C device address) connected to the 7th I2C port, the following message is sent:

240, 125, 0 {DEV}, 8 {FUNCTION}, 6 {yyy = 6}, 90 {device address}, 120 {HOTSPOT2D function}, 0 {Temperature Differential method}, 247 (F0h, 7Dh, 00h, 08h, 06h, 5Ah, 78h, 00h, F7h)

In host mode raw sensor data will be output immediately in I2C DATA messages. In stand-alone mode a suitable configuration has to be set using the EDIT CONFIG command before any MIDI messages will be output.

Other settings of the HotSpot2D sensor can be effectuated by using I2C commands such as I2C WRITE and I2C READ. See also the datasheet linked from the HotSpot2D webpage.