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Events: SIGGRAPH 2009
I-CubeX will be giving workshops in the Studio at SIGGRAPH 2009 in New Orleans, USA from 3-7 August. Come visit, explore I-CubeX in detail .. and get a great deal on some of our products in the process (see below) !

Who should come ?

If you work in one of the following fields, research one of the following topics or are just a curious person, we strongly suggest you to participate.

Workshop description

In the workshop, participants will learn how to apply sensor technology to develop their own concepts of electronic media control whether it be for research, teaching, tinkering or art, without needing to become a hardware engineer. Special attention will be given to capturing human movements and using the data to control sound and music media. Starting with a discussion and analysis of what the participants would like to achieve, various relevant sensor technologies will be presented together with examples of I-CubeX sensor products, and/or similar projects. If applicable, demo applications of I-CubeX products will be presented in some detail to provide suggestions to the participants how to proceed with their vision of a measurement setup, controller, interactive object or installation etc.. Each participant will then be setup with I-CubeX equipment as best matches their needs, and we'll then proceed with a crash course for getting all setups operational.

Before you come ..

Participants can bring their own musical instruments and computer with software of their choice, but Windows and MacOS workstations are available in the Studio with a variety of software such as Cycling74 Max/MSP, Ableton Live, Adobe Flash etc. already installed, as well as Audio/MIDI interfaces, keyboards and DJ mixers. The participants need to be familiar with the software of their choice, but no knowledge of sensors and sensor interfacing is assumed, while it will not be necessary for participants to hack hardware or solder electronic components. If you're a sound geek, check out SIGGRAPH's focus on music and audio, and consider getting an excellent introduction to background knowledge for the workshop, by attending the course on Creating New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

Tentative schedule

Anytime during the day you are invited to drop in and sit down with us to explore I-CubeX. We'll be ready to help you implement a specific project, answer specific questions, show you our latest hack, demo .. etc.

Morning session: I-CubeX basics (same each day)

  • I-CubeX concept
  • Sensors
  • Interfaces
  • Software tools

Afternoon session: Advanced topics (one for each day)

  • Using I-CubeX with Max/MSP/Jitter
  • I-CubeX for scientific research
  • Tracking / counting people with I-CubeX
  • Biosensing with I-CubeX
  • Sensor signal processing

Evening session: You're invited to join I-CubeX in exploring DJ/VJ culture - a collaboration between Ableton, M-Audio and I-CubeX to find new ways to control and tweak tracks and sequencers.

Special offers

During the event we offered some of our products at rock-bottom prices but these offers have now expired - but do check our specials for deals !


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