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Events: SIGGRAPH 2010
We will present the I-CubeX Sessions in the Studio at SIGGRAPH 2010 in Los Angeles, USA from 25-29 July. Come visit, explore I-CubeX in detail .. and get a great deal on some of our products in the process (see below) !

Who should come ?

If you work in one of the following fields or research one of the following topics, and/or have a specific interest in interactive media, we strongly suggest you to visit.

I-CubeX is also used for scientific research, tracking and counting of people as well as sensing of neuro-physiological signals such as muscle tension, heart beat, brain waves and skin resistance. So if you're active in one of the following areas we also encourage you to check us out.

What is this about ?

The I-CubeX Sessions aim to highlight a trend that brings together technological innovation in the areas of real-time sensor interfacing, control surfaces, visual programming and sound sequencing. I-CubeX (by Infusion Systems) sensors capture many more (human) motions than common control surfaces such as keyboards and provide software support such that musicians, dancers and other artists can use the sensors to express in unusual ways. Max (by Cycling74), together with the MSP and Jitter plugins, facilitates the creation of unique algorithms for the generation and processing of media, connecting gestural input devices with audiovisual output devices - all through a visually oriented programming method that invites creation and experimentation. It challenges composers to be programmers and vice-versa. Live (by Ableton) bridges the musical creation and production processes. It challenges composers to be performers and vice-versa. This chain of technology is becoming more and more integrated, and with the advent of Max for Live (Ableton/Cycling74) the creation of uniquely personal instruments for audiovisual expression has become one more (big) step within the reach of many artists interested in crossing boundaries and developing new art forms.


Anytime during the day you are invited to drop in and sit down to explore and have an I-CubeX session with us. We'll be ready to explain the I-CubeX concept and it's many applications, talk about sensors, interfaces and software. We can help you implement a specific project, answer specific questions, show you our latest hack, demo .. etc.

There will also be a hands-on workshop (check the SIGGRAPH program for date/time details). This workshop will provide you with hands-on understanding how to combine Live and Max/MSP/Jitter softwares with familiar controllers such as keyboards and I-CubeX sensors to capture all your performance gestures, resulting in uniquely personal instruments for audiovisual expression. See below for more details.

Workshop details

In the workshop, participants will learn the basics of I-CubeX sensor technology so as to help develop their own concepts of electronic media control whether it be for research, teaching, tinkering or art, without needing to become a hardware engineer. Special attention will be given to capturing human movements and using the data to control sound and music media through the use of Max and Live software. The workshop aims to achieve two goals.

  1. Understanding of I-CubeX sensors' capabilities (what they can capture and how they could be applied).
  2. Understanding of I-CubeX operation (how to setup a number of sensors and create/control media output).

Workshop schedule

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 27 July from 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM.

1st half hour: Various relevant sensor technologies will be presented and discussed together with examples of I-CubeX sensor products, and/or similar electronic art projects. Demo applications of I-CubeX products will be presented and discussed in some detail to provide suggestions to the participants how to proceed with their vision of a controller, interactive installation etc..

2nd half hour: Each participant will be setup with a default I-CubeX equipment set. After all setups have been installed and are working, all features of I-CubeX hardware (sensors, interfaces) and software (Editor and Mapper) will be explained and demonstrated, with the participants being able to try out these features on their setup.

3rd half hour: Use of I-CubeX together with 3rd party software (Cycling74 Max, Ableton Live), through plugins will be demonstrated and explained.

Do I need to bring anything ?

12 computers will be available with Cycling74 Max/MSP/Jitter, Ableton Live and Max for Live for the workshop and one computer will be available in our area. There's no need to bring anything but you're still welcome to bring your own computer including sound devices and musical instruments. Familiarity with Max and Live software comes in handy, but no knowledge of sensors and sensor interfacing is assumed, while it will not be necessary for participants to hack hardware or solder electronic components.


You can find us in room 151 (when you enter, to the right of the presentation area). The workshop is also in room 151 - in the workshop area behind the presentation area.

Special offers

During the event we offered a nice discount. These offers have now expired - but do check the specials page on our website for deals !


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