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Products: Wi-microDig v5.0/5.11 (obsolete)
Wi-microDig v5.0/5.11 (obsolete)
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The Wi-microDig is a thumb-sized easily configurable hardware device that encodes upto 8 analog sensor signals to multimedia industry compatible messages with high resolution and transmits these messages wirelessly to a computer in real-time for analysis and/or control purposes.

Sensitive in real-time It has 8 inputs of each 10 bits resolution (1024 steps of each 5mV) that can sample at upto 1500 Hz with milliseconds latency to capture even the finest gestures and movements. Use it conveniently with our sensors to create your interactive installation, ultimate controller, .. For hardware hackers, the Wi-microDig features a hardware hacking area to add your own sensor circuit.

Wireless The wireless transmission complies with the Bluetooth standard (using the WIDCOMM or Microsoft Bluetooth protocol stack, but not the Bluesoleil stack), which is a common and reliable protocol and at 115 kbs much faster than MIDI speed. The wireless range is guaranteed upto 10 meter without obstructions, but we've already used it without problems at 50 meter ! It allows for the use of upto 7 Wi-microDig units simultaneously so it's easy to make a wireless sensor network.

Configurable It's updateable firmware v5.0 enables it to operate in both stand alone mode (sensor data is processed before it is transmitted) as well as host mode (raw sensor data is transmitted). Stand alone mode includes various sensor processing and mapping features such as gesture recognition that can be conveniently configured using one of our editors.

Compatible Even though it encodes sensor signals to multimedia industry compliant MIDI messages, you don't necessarily need to use a MIDI interface. You can use the Wi-microDig also with software that communicates with devices through a virtual serial port (called "COM" port on a Windows computer). In this case you don't need to connect to the BlueMIDI application, unless you want to use our editor, but you can use the Bluetooth virtual serial port. Also, note the Wi-microDig's I2C capability which is one of the more common bi-directional communications protocols used in robotics for sensors and actuators - connect upto 4 I2C devices to it.

Get it now ! It is sold as part of the Wi-microSystem. For a wired version with MIDI cable, check out the microDig. For more inputs and resolution as well as the ability to control actuators, check out the Digitizer.

Technical specifications

Product Wi-microDig (Digitizer v5.0/5.11)
Version firmware v5.0, hardware v5.11

Sensor input
Number of inputs 8 (of which each pair of inputs 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 can be used as an I2C port)
Range 0 to 5 Volt
Resolution 10 bit or 7 bit (user selectable)
Sampling interval programmable from 0 ms (min) - 16380 ms (max) in steps of 1 ms (actual sampling rate below)

Sampling rate active inputs (signal processing disabled)
1 1-2 1-4 1-8
stand alone mode control 1500 Hz (max)
pitch Hz (max)
host mode 7 bit Hz (max)
10 bit Hz (max)
Sampling latency ms (min) - ms (max) (one active input without signal processing)
Signal processing functions inversion
scaling (0.04 Volt min range leaving 3-bit resolution)
threshold detection (0.04 Volt min step)
peak/dip detection (over 16 samples max)
averaging (over 16 samples max)
differentiation (between 2 consecutive samples only)
noise gate (5 Volt max range)
Supply voltage 5 Volt
Supply current 30 mA per sensor (typical)

Data format
Standalone mode MIDI channel voice protocol:
MIDI pitch-bend (10 bit resolution)
MIDI note-on/off, key-pressure, control-change, program- change or after-touch (7 bit resolution)
See MIDI implementation documentation for details
Host mode MIDI system exclusive protocol:
See MIDI implementation documentation for details
Transmission Bluetooth® v1.1 class 2 (range: 10m non-obstructed; serial port profile: 115 kbs, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, data flow ON)

Sensor 3-pin column (2.54 mm / 0.1" spaced), for each of the 8 inputs
MIDI 5 pin DIN (input, output with software switch-able thru)
Power 7.5 V / 0.3 A, 1.3 mm / 3.5 mm (inner/outer diameter) x 7.5 mm locking barrel plug with center positive

Dimensions 61 x 21 x 14 mm (2.4 x 0.83 x 0.55 inch)
Weight 0.02 kg ( oz), excl. power supply

Known bugs

We are not aware of any bugs at this time. Please notify us if you think you may have encountered one.

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