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Wire transfer information

Infusion Systems' main transaction currency is the Canadian Dollar but we can re-calculate your quotation or order in any of the following currencies :

  • Australian Dollar - from a bank in Australia
  • British Pound - from a bank in the UK
  • Canadian Dollar - from almost anywhere
  • Euro - from many places
  • US Dollar - from some places
  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

    If you'd like to pay in yet another currency, contact us.

    Once we have changed your quotation or order to use any of these currencies you can send your payment to us in the form of a wire transfer (also known as a bank or tele transfer) which transfers money from any financial institution to Infusion Systems Ltd.

    You MUST specify to your bank that your wire transfer is to be denominated in the currency of your quotation or order, or you run the risk of paying too little due to currency exchange transaction fees which will result in your order not being shipped.

    Transaction fees

    Please note that the bank(s) involved in processing a wire transfer will charge transaction fees. These fees are charged not only directly to you when you initiate the wire transfer but there also may be fees deducted from your amount while in transit, and finally a fee will be charged to us as the recipient. This process results in a deposit into our account that is lower than the amount due for your order. We have no way of accounting for or predicting this difference as the banks, surprisingly, do not provide any statement to account for these transaction fees. Hence, if the difference is disproportionate (usually due to many banks being involved in the wire transfer), please be advised that we may require you to send us the wire transfer confirmation statement from your bank and/or that we may require you to make additional payments to cover the amount due. Credit card payment is usually a faster, more reliable and transparent method of payment than wire transfer.

    Please login to access our wire transfer details.

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